After 13 wonderful hours on the Emirates' A380, I am safely in Dubai. I will be here in the airport for the next 10 hours until the last leg of my trek takes off. The flight was surprisingly pleasant due to the wonderful service and amenities Emirates and the newest airplane in the world had to offer. Even sitting in the back of the economy section, I felt like a king. And luckily, I got to see what the actual kings live like on international flights! As I was leaving the plane, I asked the head steward if I could walk to the upper deck (yes, the biggest plane in the world has two stories). With a camera in hand, I got denied at first. He wanted to make sure that Emirates would be represented in its best form. I appreciated his request and promised not to take pictures. He took me upstairs and showed me the private "rooms" that each first class member gets. They also have two full bathrooms with showers! I could really go for a shower right about now!
I've spent the majority of my time at a restaurant in the departures area, wasting time and money on food and drink (right). Its a shame I couldn't go and explore Dubai!
But I've enjoyed myself here and am scoping out a place to take a nap from the balcony view (shown below). You can see the wine bar below me, the lounge chairs to the right, and the magnificent architecture of the airport. With all the "Somebody I Used to Know," "Call Me Maybe," and "We Are Young" playing in the background, I don't feel too far from home.
I also decided to eat internationally internationally. Nachos in Dubai just seemed right after I did the conversion and didn't want to spend $13 on a sandwich. With free internat and a Heineken, I know I'll be able to rest easy with a filled belly and my loved ones at home feeling secure with my status! And to all you loved ones- comment below on any questions or reactions you might have! I'd love to post things that you are most interested in. God Bless! Here's to hoping I can nap and talk to Clancy soon.
I've spent the majority of my time at a restaurant in the departures area, wasting time and money on food and drink (right). Its a shame I couldn't go and explore Dubai!
But I've enjoyed myself here and am scoping out a place to take a nap from the balcony view (shown below). You can see the wine bar below me, the lounge chairs to the right, and the magnificent architecture of the airport. With all the "Somebody I Used to Know," "Call Me Maybe," and "We Are Young" playing in the background, I don't feel too far from home.
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